Medical terminology in television series. The case of House and The Good Doctor: a comparative study

  • Beatriz Guerrero García Universidad de Salamanca
Palavras-chave: Medical terminology, Terminology in television, Audio-visual language, Term frequency


Nowadays, terminology has reached new areas of language and its use is no longer strictly limited to LSP; specialized terms in digital or audio-visual settings, among others, are becoming an increasingly common occurrence. In the present article, the object of study will be the terminology used in the field of medicine in two TV shows on this topic: House and The Good Doctor. The aim is to make a first approach to the usage of terminology in this area in which a real specialised context is reproduced, with the particularity of being aimed at a general audience who are not experts in the subject addressed on the small screen. To this end, the terminological frequency of various episodes of each of the two series will be extracted in order to check how terminology is implemented in them, as well as how its use evolves as the plot progresses, and to establish a comparison between them. The results show that the terminology implemented in this textual typology has similar characteristics to those of the terminology used in a real context, but with some particularities that demonstrate the interest of terminology in these contexts far outside the traditional specialised spheres and that highlight the need to continue studying such terminology in depth, notably due to its potential sociolinguistic implications.


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Como Citar
Guerrero García, B. (2024). Medical terminology in television series. The case of House and The Good Doctor: a comparative study. Rotura – Revista De Comunicação, Cultura E Artes, 4(1), 170-181.
Artigo recebido em 2023-04-13
Artigo aceite em 2024-02-29
Artigo publicado em 2024-02-29