Latin American organizational communication in constant evolution
This article reviews Latin American communication thought in its constant evolution, in the midst of decolonial struggle to distance itself from Western precepts in which the market surpasses human beings in prioritization. The social force of communication to generate organizations that are immersed in constant dialogue is possible thanks to critical thinkers who redirect reflection on this field of study based on other realities. Based on the documentary review and critical decolonial analysis, he takes a tour of the thoughts of those who pioneered another current in the so-called subcontinent, followed by the precepts of theorists linked to the decolonial turn, presenting the main researchers of Latin American organizational communication. , finally proposes enactive communication, interculturality and the human dimension as characteristics of work in Latin American organizations based on its critical and participatory possibilities to establish changes in organizations.
Direitos de Autor (c) 2024 Fernando Guerrero Maruri

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Artigo aceite em 2024-02-29
Artigo publicado em 2024-02-29