Strategies to protect children from violence in artificial intelligence

  • Rosalía Urbano Universidad Antonio de Nebrija
Palavras-chave: Violence, Strategies, Children, Artificial Intelligence, Digital Environment


In today’s convergent culture, children are growing up in a digital and transmedia environment in which artificial intelligence plays an increasingly important role. The risk of misuse of this artificial intelligence emphasises the importance of approaching the process of developing and implementing new technologies ethically and consciously. This study aims to identify strategies to mitigate the violence of artificial intelligence content aimed at minors. The literature on violence against children is examined through qualitative, explanatory research that focuses on analysing documents from primary and secondary sources. The documents come from recent research, European reports and laws, national and international news, materials and manuals related to the digital environment, transmedia and artificial intelligence. The results show the initiatives to raise awareness, parental control, promote dialogue, collaboration between the sector and experts, clarity of privacy and security policies of digital platforms, promotion of positive and educational content, strengthening of socio-emotional skills and psychological support for victims of violence. The research findings highlight the need for further research in the sector and conscious digital education, as well as a balance between use and action to mitigate the impact of violence against children by ensuring a safe digital environment.


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Como Citar
Rosalía Urbano. (2024). Strategies to protect children from violence in artificial intelligence. Rotura – Revista De Comunicação, Cultura E Artes, 4(1), 40-49.
Artigo recebido em 2023-12-11
Artigo aceite em 2024-02-29
Artigo publicado em 2024-02-29