University Teachers’ Vantage Points on ChatGPT Integration in Education: Upsides and Downsides

  • Hawkar Omar Ali Koya University
Palavras-chave: ChatGPT, Artificial Intelligence (AI), OpenAI, Educational Technology, Digital Competencies


In recent years, artificial intelligence has been growing expeditiously. It has invaded various disciplines such as education. The most noteworthy development of artificial intelligence that receives a great attention is ChatGPT. It was released on November 30, 2022. ChatGPT is capable of generating human-like responses to user input. The use of ChatGPT continues to receive swift growth. It is increasingly being adopted by teachers and students. Despite potential challenges, its capabilities present a great opportunity for teachers and students in the process of teaching and learning.
This paper seeks to investigate the significance of ChatGPT in higher education, specifically exploring its effects on the teaching process from the perspective of educators. Further, this article addresses issues related to teachers’ digital competency and literacy. Attention is given to both the challenges and opportunities ChatGPT presents when it is used by teachers as a teaching and assessment tool. To fulfill the objectives of this study effectively, three research questions are proposed.
This research employed a mixed-method approach. A survey was designed to collect data, using KoboToolbox. A total of 49 teachers of Koya University participated in the quantitative part, while 40 teachers provided responses for the qualitative part of the survey. The data collected from the survey were analyzed quantitively via SPSS, while the data collected from the final part of the survey were coded and analyzed qualitatively.
The results showed that, despite their positive attitude towards integrating ChatGPT into their teaching process, teachers do not utilize it effectively. Indeed, participant teachers highlighted both the advantages and disadvantages of integrating ChatGPT in education.


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Como Citar
Ali, H. O. (2024). University Teachers’ Vantage Points on ChatGPT Integration in Education: Upsides and Downsides. Rotura – Revista De Comunicação, Cultura E Artes, 4(1), 182-195.
Artigo recebido em 2023-12-12
Artigo aceite em 2024-02-11
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